Scrolling Unfocused Windows

I’ve been looking for a way to do this for some time now: scrolling unfocused windows, in Windows. You can do it with a Mac (movie here) and on Linux. I became accustomed to it after prolonged Ubuntu-use on my laptop. (It’s incredibly handy on lower resolutions too …

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Simulating LIMIT with offsets in SQL

How can you do this (x is number of rows to fetch, y is offset) (Mysql):

SELECT * FROM my_table LIMIT x, y

or this (PostgreSQL) :


in a DBMS that doesn’t support LIMIT statements (take Oracle for example).

In Oracle, you can use …

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The Number

The Internet is going crazy about some random number (and it’s not 23).

Apparently, typing out an hexadecimal value will get you killed / deleted / censored / jailed / destroyed / ignored / access to HD-DVD content. It goes something like: 09 F9 11 02. But it also has 9D 74 E3 5B …

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Feisty Upgrade - First Problem

We recently updated all our Ubuntu machines from Edgy to Feisty. Updating went smooth, apart from a few problems.

The first problem was that X was freezing at random intervals. Xorg log mentioned nothing special, but the GDM log did:

Error in I830WaitLpRing(), now is 7023360, start is 7021359 pgetbl_ctl …

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Ubuntu Feisty - Second Problem

Another problem (on another machine) was that it refused booting the new kernel.

Also: the live cd didn’t work either, with the same error. A lot of people have problems of this kind, and most of the times they get the following errors:

ata2 is slow to respond, please …

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What’s up with Google the last few days? First, a glitch was reported about users getting their mails deleted. This glitch is now (luckily) fixed.

Then that hack about your contact list getting stolen, try logging into Gmail and go to one of the following links: …

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Just updated to Edgy and installed Beryl following these instructions.

Added these to my sources:

deb edgy main-edgy
deb edgy main-edgy
deb edgy main-edgy
deb edgy main-edgy


sudo apt-get update …

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Oki Printers In Ubuntu

Just wanted to share this quick story: recently I had to install Oki C5700 drivers on an Ubuntu machine. A quick look at the web panel revealed that it was not supporting ipp (Cups). So you have to set it up as a Unix Printer (LPR).

After that it seems …

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Crappy Scanners And Linux

Recently we got a new HP Scanner. It’s a good, nice, and generally works without any complaints.

The scanner I used before was a crappy scanner with a no-name brand nobody knows, picked up for almost nothing at some cheapskate-store (since I very rarely need to scan something). The …

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Neverwinter Nights On My Ubuntu-Laptop

Today I finally decided to spend some time and try to install Neverwinter Nights on my laptop, since I absolutely still love that game. Of course: you could follow this howto, but since I don’t have NWN Platinum or Diamond, I had to follow other instructions. I didn’t …

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