Linux Games

I’ve been checking out some games for my Linux machine recently (that almost sounds like an oxymoron). I’m not going to go all whiny on you with a “Linux does have games!”-post, but will just review a few of them (the most popular ones).

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Close Call

Latest Ubuntu xorg-core update breaks X, oh boy…

If you are already in trouble just want some general info: head over to this thread. The package itself has been fixed (already). Be sure to download the point 4 and not the point 3 release.

So what’s this all about …

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Visiting AIGLX/Compix And Back Again

Here it is, as promised…

Yesterday I decided to “quickly give AIGLX/Compiz a go”. I use AIGLX because I do this on my Thinkpad and it has an Intel card. AIGLX gives better performance with these cards.

There are already nice how-to’s at this and this location, but …

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Thinkpad Stories (5 already): “Bluetooth and Nokia phones.”

Story number 5 already.

Here is the background talk: now that I finally have bluetooth support (I never had an USB dongle) I could finally copy my pictures over from my Nokia phone (since I don’t want to invest in an expensive non-standard USB cable).

I followed some advice …

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Realtime Monitoring With PHP

If you’re a Digg‘er, you’ll probably know the Digg Labs: the site where you can track how users are digging stories. In realtime.

Most of you will know that Digg is programmed in PHP. The two Flash applications provided in Digg labs have to get their data …

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Thinkpad Stories 1: “So ya wanna boot Ubuntu?”

After quickly setting up Windows XP and removing all the unnecessary software (who wants Symantec for God’s sake?) it was time to think about booting the Ubuntu installer.

This would be a non-trivial task for me, because my CD/DVD-burner/reader has not arrived yet and I could …

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Thinkpad Stories 2: “Partitioning woes.”

It was getting late when I finally figured out how to properly boot. Now: it was time for the actual install…

Of course: I had to partition, but I wanted to keep Windows XP (on a smaller partition) and my Recovery partition. I was happy to see a resize option …

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Thinkpad Stories 3: “Now for some colours…”

Ubuntu’s finished installing. It all looks nice.

I picked a nice wallpaper, set my workspaces to 8, and installed gnome-art (sudo apt-get install gnome-art). Picked some nice decorations (I like the Human theme but not that much) and sat back for a few seconds to admire my new desktop …

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Thinkpad Stories 4: “Render it dammit!”

i810… glxinfo | grep direct is giving nothing. Something about 1.5.0 expected but 1.4.* found.

Anyhow: I could not get it to work. It seemed fine however, but glgears proved otherwise: slow as hell.

I was giving up on it and decided to try and install AIGLX, so …

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Welcome Thinkpad X60

Good news everyone: yesterday my Thinkpad X60 arrived. I toyed a little bit but had already decided I wanted to put Ubuntu on it.

I encountered some (small) problems on my way to my perfect Ubuntu setup, but I’ve been able to solve them. In the following posts I …

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