Get A List Of Steam Games (As Of May 2010)

Using Python and Beautiful Soup. This updates the previous script posted on this blog.

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from urllib import urlopen
import re

CATEGORY_GAMES     = '998'
CATEGORY_MODS      = '997'
CATEGORY_PACKS     = '996'
CATEGORY_DLC       = '21'

html_text = urlopen(''+CATEGORY_GAMES).read().decode …

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Python Web Scraping Tools

Just a note for myself, a list of interesting Python tools for my next web scraping project:

  • urllib2: extensible library for opening URLs
  • PyQuery: jQuery-like traversing and selecting for Python
  • mechanize: stateful programmatic web browsing in Python
  • Beautiful Soup: not supported/maintained that much anymore. Latest versions are rather slow …

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Installing Heroes Of Might And Magic III (3) On Linux (Ubuntu)

…to remind myself because I always seem to forget how to.

1. Put the contents of the CD somewhere (e.g. /tmp/heroes).

2. Install:

/tmp/heroes$ ./

3. Download and run patch with --keep:

/tmp/heroes$ wget …

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Get A List Of Steam Games

Update: see herefor a new version which works on the new steam site.

Using Python and Beautiful Soup. Just a quick (ugly) script thrown together for future reference.

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from urllib import urlopen
import re
import codecs

html_text = urlopen(' …

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Building A Presenter View For Linux

Recently, I had to give a presentation and wanted to use a “presenter screen”, allowing to view a clock, current and next slide, and slide notes on my laptop screen. Of course, the audience only sees the current slide fullscreened on the projector screen.

Powerpoint comes with this option built-in …

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Don’t Get Caught In This Steam Phishing Scam - How Phishers Work

So I just got this mail in my inbox:

Needless to say, I was pretty surprised, I didn’t know Steam accounts could expire. Sure enough the e-mail looks legit, it’s mailed from, didn’t get caught by Gmail’s spam filter, and the corporate footer …

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