I Did Switch to Pelican

Just a quick heads up to let you know that this blog will look a bit different — once again!

Although indicated otherwise about a week ago, I’ve nevertheless decided to move away from Blogger and migrate to Pelican.

I’ll make sure to go into the details in a follow-up post.

Note also that some things are still somewhat broken:

  • All posts were migrated, but some internal links are still broken, I’ll have to go through them.
  • URLs were changed, so change your bookmarks or deep links. You can either: (i) search this site to find the new location or (ii) go to the old blog still available at Blogger. Note tho that new posts will not appear there. (Edit: I’ve set up URL redirecting, so visitors arriving here using an old URL will get some feedback about what to do next.)
  • Also, this reminds me: I still have to put search in place. (Edit: this is also done now… simply using Google.)
  • Comments were not migrated. A new comment system has been put in place using Google+. Facebook and Disqus.
  • Some small themeing errors might still occur, although I’m pretty happy with how things ended up looking. Again, more details in a follow-up post.